Custom Fonts

Custom Font Implementation Instructions

1. Download and install JPEXS. This is for opening and editing swf files.

2. Go to your Data/Interface/ folder. The two relevant files are fonts_en.swf and fontconfig.txt.

3. Open fonts_en.swf using JPEXs.

4. Right Click on "fonts".

5. Select Add tag --> DefineFont3Tag.

6. On the new font tag, in the lower right click "Embed "

7. Select "TTF file: <select>"

8. Find your font file.

9. Select all characters.

10. Right click on the new font. Add the tag "DefineFontNameTag"

11. Right click on the new font. Add the tag "DefineFontAlignZonesTag"

12. On the DefineFontName tag, click the edit button on the bottom.

13.Put in the name of your font in the section that says "fontName", and hit "Save".

14. On the DefineFontAlignZones tag, edit the section called "CSMTableHint" and change it to medium.

15. Go back to the DefineFont3 section and right click and select "Raw Edit"

16. Edit the line that says "fontName" and change it to your new font name.

17. Save the file, and keep it open for reference. Go to the fontconfig.txt file now, and open it. The format for entering a new font is as follows:

map "$CreationKitNameFont" = "SwfFileName" Normal

For example if you're implementing a font that you named "Times New Dwemer" in JPEXS it might look something like:

map "$TimesNewDwemerFont" = "Times New Dwemer" Normal.

When you go to use the font in the Creation Kit you would use the "$TimesNewDwemerFont" specifier.