Navmesh Guide

Navmesh refers to the navigational geometry placed along the paths in an interior/exterior by which an NPC can move and interact with the PC.

1.  Watch this video for the basics, in case you need a refresher or missed something along the line. ""

2.  Things to think about in an interior:
- NPC types and the size they demand
- narrow corridors
- teleport doors
- preferred pathing (where necessary)
- cover (where necessary)
- drop-downs (where necessary)
- deep water (test w/ actor, should be waist-deep before marking water tris)

3.  Things to think about out in an exterior:
- press 'B' to show cell borders
- press 'N' to ignore non-active cells (turn back on to do borders)
- preferred pathing on roads
- preferred pathing on perceived "main paths" when roads are not present
- cover, especially around places meant for big fights
- after navmeshing an exterior, update the Miro livepage for tracking purposes Link: ""

4.  Helping things for exteriors specifically:
- Open 'Show/Hide Window' under the 'View' tab to toggle annoyances like
water, lights, and other markers
- Press '6' a couple times to disable any gigantic weather particles
- Press '8' to toggle grass (some grasses are objects instead)

5.  Methods for testing:
- use the pathing test (select the appropriate NPC size for that cell)
- go in-game and drag an NPC around
- use the asterisk key on the numpad to tell what exterior cell you are in '*'

6.  Avoid doing these things:
- don't forget to save often
- don't accidentally place random vertices to be lost and forgotten
- don't limit yourself to one angle, ensure that the vertices are where you want them to be
- DON'T HIT THE OPTIMIZATION BUTTON, it will ruin your well-placed navmesh