Share Your Work

See also our Guide to Streaming!

Should I share my work?

Yes, you should! Please do share what you've been working on. Our followers want to see it, and the ongoing health of the project relies on it.

This applies for all departments - we want to show off voice acting, concept art, 3D art, game mechanics, sound effects, implemented items, level design, funny bugs - anything that might be interesting to our followers.

What we post on social media is driven directly by what you post on Discord.

What I should share?

If you made it, you can post it. You don't need to wait to be asked. However...

How do I do it?

Just post to #progress_updates. You don't need to ping anyone and you can choose the format. Look at existing posts to get an idea.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

The PR & Community department will use your posts as the basis of what we share on social media.

Is there anything I should avoid?

Here are a few things not to do.

What format should I use?

It's up to you. Look at existing posts to get an idea.

It's okay to edit your posts to show multiple things in a single image, or add your name or the Skywind logo to any images, but it's not required.

Try to keep your content to one or two messages - this works better for publishing to subscriber servers.

Your post doesn't need to be sterile! Show personality, cheekiness, frustration, admiration.

When should I post?

Whenever's good for you. Unlike social media, your post won't get missed if you post at a quiet time.

Please do leave a gap of a day or two if someone else has already posted, though.

How will I be credited?

If we share your work on social media, the PR team will use the info you supplied when you applied to join the team. If you'd like a specific social profile tagged, want a different name used, or a gallery post shared as a "see more" link, just mention it in #pr.

Should I hit the "Publish" button when posting?

That's up to you. If you don't, the PR team will probably publish it for you when there's a quiet period, so don't sweat over it.

If you do publish, try to keep your post to a single message - it makes it neater.

At time of writing, there are around 650 servers subscribed to the channel, so it does extend our reach!

All set? Go post your work!

People are waiting to see what you've made - make us proud 😊