Workflow Guide

Start of a Card

If a card has had no work performed, or if a level designer has decided to no longer work on a given card, it will be in one of these columns.

Issues Found

These columns are for any interior that cannot progress further without fixes from a level designer.


This section is not for Level Designers specifically, but is included for the same of completeness. Once a card has been finished to the best of a Level Designer's capability it will be turned over to the Navmeshing team for both navmesh and optimization. More information can be found here: Navmesh + Optimization 


After Navmesh and Optimization is complete, the card will be turned back over to level design for review. A senior level designer will take a look at your interior to make sure it is release ready.  More specific information on what goes into a review can be found here: How to Review 


Another section that Level Design is not directly involved in, but needs to be aware of. After passing review your interior will be turned over for QA to make sure that there aren't any bugs or unforseen issues. Level designers are expected to respond to feedback from QA to fix any issues they find. Any cards with issues will be moved to the "Review Returned" column. Once issues have been fixed, please move the card back to "Incoming QA For Next Build". Once a card has passed QA, then congratulations, the card is complete!

For more information on your responsibilities for QA, please consult the Quality Assurance Process section of the Level Design Basics page.

For more information on QA's job and duties, check out their section of the handbook here: QA 

SFX Pass

Folks from the SFX team will occasionally claim cards from the Landscaping team, and collaboratively we will work together to really make the audio shine in that particular area. The SFX team will NOT be giving this treatment to every area in the game. Instead, level designers can use these SFX-treated cells as reference when building out the audio in their own levels. 


Once a card is complete, that means it has passed QA, has navmesh, has been optimized if necessary, and has been reviewed by another level designer and the leads. Congratulations, the interior you worked on is now truly release-ready! Once a card is here please do not make further changes to the interior. Small changes can be surprisingly disruptive, most often with lighting and performance. If a need to change anything truly does arise, inform your team leads who will make the determination.

And again, congratulations!