Scripting Setup


Additional requirements for contributing to coding. Make sure to always follow the Scripting Conventions.

GitLab Account

Skywind uses GitLab for issue tracking. Although GitLab is primarily a Git repository management service, we do not use it for version control of Skywind scripts.

QA testers will find bugs in the game and record the issues. You should keep an eye on any issues tagged with the Coding label, and work to fix them. Once you have a Gitlab account, notify the QA deparment lead on Trello or Discord with your Gitlab username so he/she can grant you access to the project.

Trello Account

General coding tasks & to-do lists are tracked in Skywind's Coding Trello board. Register an account at, then contact any lead and ask them to add you to the board.

UI Only: Github Account

The Skywind UI build can be found here:

If you need access, contact Rovan with your Github username.

Source Scripts

This was also covered in the installation guide, but in case you missed it:

  • Unpack all the default Skyrim source scripts to Data/Source/Scripts

  • Move the SKSE source scripts from Data/Scripts/Source to Data/Source/Scripts, and overwrite the default Skyrim sources with the SKSE sources.

Recommended Tools

It is highly recommended that you use an external code editor when editing scripts. You will want to use an external editor that can be set up to compile papyrus code directly and has papyrus syntax highlighting. The Creation Kit wiki offers instructions on setting up several different external editors. You can find these guides here:

It is recommended to use an editor that can compile Papyrus directly, has syntax highlighting, and has autocomplete.

Members of Skywind tend to use Notepad++ and Sublime Text.