Applications and Ban Appeals

Details of how the Google Forms pipeline works

Volunteer Application Overview

  1. Team information and job listings are on a static page on the website.

  2. Almost all "apply" links send the applicant to a Google Form.

  3. The form includes a Google Scripts script that's fired on submission.

  4. The script parses the response and calls the Discord WebHook API to provide a near-instant notification about the application.

    1. The role to ping is worked out here.

    2. The color of the embed (indicating the relevant team) is worked out here.

    3. Sensitive information is stripped from the WebHook JSON.

  5. The full response is saved to a Google Sheet in the SW Admin > Volunteer Screening folder of the Skywind Google Drive.

Ban Appeal Overview

  1. The 'Dyno' bot sends a welcome message on join that includes to a Google Form for if the user gets banned. This is also linked from the Volunteer form.

  2. The form includes a Google Scripts script that's fired on submission.

  3. The script parses the response and calls the Discord WebHook API to provide a near-instant notification about the ban appeal.

  4. The webhook creates a message in the #ordinators channel.

  5. The full appeal is also saved to a Google Sheet in the SW Admin folder of the Skywind Google Drive.

Google Apps

Both forms use a Google Apps Script project to send off the webhook calls.

The scipts can be edited from the hamburger menu on the edit pages: Volunteer / Ban Appeal

The form is owned by the "TESRenewal Skywind" account, managed by Mace. Google Drive users who have access to the SW Admin folder should be able to edit and access the script.

These scripts are manually synced to GitHub: In the eventuality that this process needs to be rebooted, the files there should aid this.