Review Guide

Navmesh/Optimization Review refers to a check/test of the navmesh by a second person.

1.      Open the appropriate cell in the Creation Kit.


2.      Check for any glaring navmesh issues, and fix where necessary. Examples include:
- overlapping nav tris
- erroneous nav tris
- rogue nav vertices
- overly narrow nav paths

- nav paths that intersect static objects

- etc.


3.      Check for any glaring optimization issues, and fix where necessary. Examples include:
- overlapping roombounds

- portals that are too large

- portals/rooms that are unlinked

- occlusion planes/boxes that protrude into player-accessible areas

- objects that erroneously fade in/out due to poor roombound coverage

- objects that are invisible due to poor roombound coverage

- etc.


4.      Use the console command 'coc "cellname" to teleport the PC to the navmeshed cell. Test the navmesh by dragging any NPCs throughout. Toggle God-mode (console command 'tgm') and slap one in the face. Don't be afraid to get them stuck, that's why we are testing it!
-use the asterisk key on the numpad to tell what exterior cell you are in '*'


5.      After testing, fix any problem spots in the Creation Kit as you see fit.