.esp + Merger Guide

Each of you will have one .esp file that you create each month. At the end of the month the dev team updates to a new build version number where we 'merge' all of our monthly plugins into a new .esm master file.

1.      When you load up .esm master files for your .esp, you should be sure to include only Skyrim.esm and Skywind.esm as master files.


2.      Your .esp should follow the naming scheme outlined here: [name] [next version] [location] navmesh.esp

- your [location] variable above can then be abbreviated where possible.


3.      All navmesh/optimization work can and should be saved in the same .esp file unless noted otherwise for neatness.

4.      Hold on to your .esp files until the end of each month. Mergers are always announced and dated in the #dev_chat_[date] channel, with the [date] being the anticipated merger date.


5.      To submit for merge, navigate to the Merger Sheet pinned in #dev_chat_[date] and follow the instructions therein.


6.      A follow up announcement will be made when the new build version is available. It is then necessary to create a new monthly .esp to continue work on the new version, as all previous .esp files are then incompatible.


7.      It is recommended to 'clean' your .esp prior to submitting it for merge. Attached is a guide for doing so with XEdit if it is necessary.


8.      After submitting for merge and a new .esm is released, you now need to start a new .esp from the beginning. Any old .esps are now obsolete and will cause issues if reused.