VAMIX Overview

Voice Acting Mixers, Mastering Engineers, Dialogue Editors... No matter what we're called, our job is to make Skywind's voices sound great.

Voice actor recordings arrive to us as mono, 44.1 kHz, 16-bit files. The audio is typically raw and unaltered (though there are exceptions). Our "filecutter" volunteers have already reviewed these recordings and picked out the best takes for each line. Our job is to make them sound as good as possible.

Our Workflow

View the Mixing & Mastering board on ClickUp.

ClickUp is the website where we track who is working on what. It's very similar to Trello, if you've ever used that before. On ClickUp, you'll see a list of the tasks that are ready for mixing. You will claim one of these "cards" and move it along towards completion. Here is a general guide of how ClickUp works.

The First Columns: Ready for Mixing

There are currently three columns from which you can grab mixing/mastering tasks:

Getting Started with Peer Review

Once you've chosen a card that you want to work on, you should assign it to yourself and drag it into the "Peer Review" column.

Why do we do peer review? These cards have hundreds of voice lines. It's a lot of work. Before you start working through all those files, we should talk it over!

Choose a few audio clips from your card that represent the audio well (loud lines, quiet lines, retakes, etc.). Mix these clips how you intend to mix the entire card, and post it on Discord for the other mixers to hear. We can talk about your EQ, compression, etc. and iron out any issues before you get going.

Mix In Progress

The other mixers have heard your sample audio and approved it -- you are good to go! Drag your card into this column and start working on the entire card.

Your final target is:

Final Review and Delivery

Nice job cleaning all that audio! Place all of your cleaned audio files into one flat folder (no subfolders). If there are any filename conflicts, prefer the more recently recorded file (E.G. audio from "Retakes 3" should replace audio from "Retakes 2"). Zip your folder, and name your zip like so...


for example ...


Upload your zip to the appropriate folder on the OneDrive.

Lastly, ping an audio lead saying you're done, and drag your Trello card from "Mixing In Progress" to "Mixing Final Review".

A lead will check that your files are in the correct format and they'll listen to a few of your lines. The lead may give you some feedback for next time, but it's unlikely you'll have to redo any work. Congrats on finishing a card!