
Here you see 3 instances of DVBviwer

DVBviwer_T1 this uses DVB-T2 Tuner ...tuner enabled in DVBviewer

DVBviwer_T2 this uses DVB-T2 Tuner...tuner enabled in DVBviewer

DVBviwer_S1 this uses DVB-S2 Tuner...tuner disabled in DVBviewer

Pictures above show DVB-T2 two tuners working fine in DVBviewer

The hardware not available picture is for the DVB-S2 tuner which is disabled in DVBviwer_S1

You will also see the DVBrecording Service recording Blade Runner which is using the tuner from DVBviwer_S1

All works fine as it should. No problems what so ever.

The only tuner RS has is tuner 7, the rest are greyed out (do not use) so DVBviewer has control of those tuners , RS cannot touch those tuners.

Hope my explanation helps.