March 20th, Year XXXX

The middle part of this book (not chapter) is what I was always worried about because I didn't know what I wanted for it exactly. I had ideas, but I didn't know how long they would take, or if I could fit them. I first started out with an ending in my mind forever ago. This evolved into a story or an idea of sorts. I then thought about how this story would end, At this point, my mind went from the beginning, skipped the middle meat, and then went to the ending. That's what this story was before I started writing it, and that's where my concern and many attempts for chapter 3 and the middle section of this story comes from. I also mentioned the length and how that would play a role. When I first started, word count didn't really mean anything, I just wrote. It ended naturally at a word count that I thought was nice, and since then I have tried to follow in that same guideline for word count. I don't necessarily love the idea of limiting how much I can write, but I think it's not a bad thing, as having a cap forces me to rethink what is essential to the story and what is not. This way I can hopefully reduce meaningless things and focus more on the actual story. This however does reduce things such a s description and speed up pacing. When looking for techniques about slowing down pacing, most mentioned things such as longer paragraphs and deeper descriptions. Extending word count or chapters and such. Things that are not entirely feasible for me, but it also made me realize that I think the pacing might be fine where it is, however I do want to focus a little more on descriptions and less on dialogue.