February 15th, Year XXXX

Setting The setting of my book is based around the general aesthetic of cassette futurism. One reason I chose this was because of the mood I wanted when readers thought about the setting. I wanted something different than just our current modern world. I wanted to create and atmosphere of, "somethings different about this world". A world that is kind of similar, but off in a way. It's kind of like an alternative history sort of thing, I wanted to setting of the world to be incorporated by the main plot of the story, so that the setting itself could be a storytelling element.

Future Setting As for the future of my setting, it will obviously change quite drastically when we enter into Pohmiblis. The ancient city is completely different from anywhere else on the books world, and it should be completely different than anything on ours. And that's of course what I want. I want a sense of exploration in both the character and the reader, so that they are curious about this city that had only been mentioned before.

Conflict This is honestly something I think I struggle with at least a little bit. But it doesn't mean I didn't attempt it. One conflict would be Jack's view of Dr. Sol completely chaning, from idolising her, to being skeptical and perhaps overwhelmed by her, but not the way he expected. As for Dr. Sol herself, there is her main conflict with the city, and her mentions of it being cursed. This one also brings up a small conflict about her and her brother too, who was deeply involved in the city that seemed to have Dr. Sol a lot of trouble.

Resolutions I think most resolutions in this novella will impact the characters more than anything else. Which in turn might impact their choices and thus the story. So obviously the focus of the story is going to be the characters and how they develop, and that's what's going to be the main driving force of the entire book. Things like personality changes, or changes on world perspective, which is something that Lovecraft focused on a lot himself. The anology of an ant seeing the world from a humans perspective and never being able to go back. Maybe I'll play with the idea of what if they could go back to that ignorance?