February 8th, Year XXXX

Theme My original project or course of this year was H.P. Lovecraft, and that turned into me writing a book, although it isn't me attempting to replicate his work as before, it is still very much inspired by him and his ideas of cosmic horror. So that is my ultimate goal in this book, it won't be a Lovecraft work, more of a mix of his and my own developing writing style. As for the themes, they lean more on his writing though. If I had to pinpoint a theme of his works, it would usually be madness or insignificance of human existence. Mine doesn't focus on madness as much, at least not right now, but I definitely have liked the idea of something bigger being out there, and of the cycle of life theme is also one I have been looking at. As for plans on developing it, my plan was doing that through the characters exploration and discoveries in Pohmiblis.

Emotion There are two focuses on emotion, that of the readers, and that of the characters. Starting with what I want the readers to feel. I don't think I have the ability yet to bring out fear from readers, at least not the type that Lovecraft could with his works. But instead I want them to think. To question the reality of the characters. I want them to think about how they might react if they encountered the same situations as the characters in the book. As for what those emotions are, I won't go into detail. But basing it off of what I've said before and the whole theme of my website, you can assume it has something to do with madness. But I don't want that to be the centerpoint necessarily, I want to go ofcourse of lovecraft and have my characters do different things or react in different ways when compared to a Lovecraftian character.

Relationships Relationships with characters is something I think I want to use as a way to develop the plot and story, as for exactly how I'll implement that, I'm not 100% sure. I like what I'm doing with the heavy dialogue and banter, but I also want to delve into actions with the characters. Right now the relationship between the two main characters is a little muddled and obviously in need of a resolution, which I plan to bring of course. As for other relationships, I feel as though there won't be many, I'll probably continue to focus on Dr. Sol and Jack.

Interaction As I stated before it's something I want to explore a lot more and think it will help greatly in showing character devlopment and potentially advancing the plot. Most of it will be the former though. The interactions also can help build he relationship between the reader and the characters, and to reach that goal I want to focus on very natural interactions, I want it to feel as though nothing is forces for the sake of development or plot advancement. The interactions may also lead to resolutions and will be very important when it comes down to choices that the characters may have to make.