December 7th, Year XXXX

So for this first post, which is the first a brand new type of journal, I watched and analysed the first lecture of Brandon Sanderson. The lecture was held at BYU in 2020 for his specific writing class. It is an introductory lecture and as such doesn't have much in the ways of specifics. But it is still important for anyone who wants to write a book to watch this, even if it focuses on people who want to professionally do it. The first half of it is mostly about Sanderson and the class, and even the last parts, where they get into writing groups doesn't much apply to me. But the middle part is very important. That's where he talks about the most important thing for writing a book. Consistency. It's something I struggle with already, but before he even finishes his first sentence on the subject, I already know that this is something I need to do. I know what low consistency will do. Sandersons says it doesn't matter how many hours or words you get a week, just that you get the same plan every week. So I am going to follow that advice. I don't know what will work best for me just yet, and Sanderson says it will be different for everyone. But I will start with something. I plan to write for at least an hour on each day of the weekends, and at least 30 minutes every Thursday and Friday. If I find I have more time than I think, I can always ofcourse write more than this. I might also be a better binge writer as Sanderson describes it, maybe I'll get a lot more done by just writing for a few hours in one session compared to stretching it. I am still reading Lovecraft for inspiration of course, but I do have another horror novel which I don't know much about and that might be a good inspiration for ideas. It's actually called Another. I also have been playing a game called Fire Emblem, which has no real connection to Lovecraft, other than the idea of higher gods or beings and the ideas of madness, which are both very prevalent themes in Lovecraft works.