Talkover/Handover 2.0


主權移交二十年,香港經歷是不少變遷。本土文化、身份認同等成了熱話,政治、社會風雲變色,藝文界也冒起了不一樣的景觀:國際藝術博覽會進駐、新型獨立藝術空間相繼成立、大型機構 M+和前中區警署的大館等快將落成。這些與香港的藝文工作者有何相干?香港當代藝術社群如何應對?社會大眾又如何參與其中?

〈Talkover/Handover2.0 廿年回歸前後話〉承繼2007年〈十年回歸前後話〉的省思,希望透過藝文界的對話、創作,檢視及回應香港自1997年來在社會、文化等不同方面的變化,然後於2017年6-7月在1a空間以展覽呈現初步的對話、研究及創作成果。


Hong Kong has experienced dramatic changes in the past two decades during the post-colonial times. Local cultures and identity have always been heated topics. Not only are there socio-political changes in the society, a shifting art and cultural landscape has been seen too in the past few years when international art fairs are in a boom, new waves of independent arts spaces are emerging and bigger institutions such as M+ and Tai Kwun at the former Central Police Station Compound heritage site will come into play in near future. How do these matter the arts and cultural professionals in Hong Kong? How does local contemporary art community respond to these changes? And how can the public take part in it?

Follow its first edition in 2007, ‘Talkover/Handover 2.0’ aims to generate critical dialogue and creative work reviewing the changes in Hong Kong’s social and cultural landscape since 1997. An exhibition will take place in June/July showcasing the initial outcome of such dialogue in the research process and creative output of participants.

On the 10th anniversary of the Handover, ‘Talkover/Handover - Dialogues on Hong Kong Art 10 years after 1997’ took place as a research and creative initiative co-presented by Asia Art Archive and 1a space. The research was conducted in a practitioner-led approach and invited artists who were active between 1996 and 1998 to have dialogues with artists who were active in the Hong Kong art scene in 2007 so as to obtain a comparative account of their artistic practices. Part of the research led to an exhibition of the same title in July 2007, where artists exhibited their individual or collaborative works as a result of their dialogues on post-97 Hong Kong art.


About Hong Kong Art Research Initiative

香港藝術研究組 於2015年成立,旨在實驗及探索創新、獨特而切合本地文化脈絡的研究方法,並會與不同機構及組織合作,推動及進行不同形式的香港藝術研究及相關的歷史書寫。主要成員包括:查映嵐、張嘉莉、張蓉、魂游。

Hong Kong Art Research Initiative, established in 2015, aims to experiment and develop new and specific research methodologies to study Hong Kong art within its cultural context. The group is open to collaborate with institutions and organizations to promote research on Hong Kong art and art history writing. Its core members include Evelyn Char, Clara Cheung, Cheung Yung and wen yau.

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