
Workshop #2

Yim Sui Fong

討論會/工作坊#2 嚴瑞芳

〈Refall〉工作坊 - 以身體想像跌倒的不同意義

Workshop: Refall

[活動以廣東話進行 the workshop will be conducted in Cantonese]


這一「跌」更成了嚴瑞芳是次工作坊主題,她將分享創作例子、地板動作、緩慢的動作及互動協作,引導參加者用身體和肢體動作回顧個人跌下的經歷, 分享彼此在跌下躺著中體會到與城市的關係。

工作坊後將視乎參加者意願,邀請參與集體 演出「跌下」作品。


  • 工作坊特別為喜歡用身體表達的或有興趣嘗試不同跌倒動作的人士而設
  • 沒有特別技能要求,適合不同程度的參與者
  • 需穿著運動或休閒服和運動鞋
  • 需年滿十八歲



地點:天台塾 (香港灣仔軒尼詩道365號10樓 及公共空間)


查詢:6334 5105 鄭小姐 (Carey) / talkoverhandover@gmail.com

[此活動會進行錄影,用作〈廿年回歸前後話 Talkover/Handover 2.0〉研究、存檔及展覽之用]

On 24th September, 1982, after her official meeting with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on Hong Kong’s future, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher felt at the steps of The Great Hall of the People. The dramatic fall resulted in different interpretations by different people with respective concerns and motives.

Taking on the richness of a fall – its forms and its meanings, Yim Sui Fong's workshop, titled 'Refall', will become part of her Talkover/Handover 2.0 project. The workshop will look into some related artworks, and explore a variety of body movements. Through the exploration and practice of all possible ways of falling, and then discussions, participants may gain new insight into the subject.

Participants may join a group performance to be organised by the artist.

Targeted Participants:

  • All are welcome, no prior performance skills needed
  • Individuals who enjoy to express themselves with body movement
  • Aged 18 or above
  • Participants should put on comfortable outfit

Date/Time: 17/5/2017 (Wed) 7:30-9:30pm

Instructor: Yim Sui Fong

Venue: Rooftop Institute (10/F , Foo Tak Building , 365 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai

Hong Kong)

Seats: 15 (For aged 18 or above, registration needed; Register here)

Enquiries: 6334 5105 (Carey) / talkoverhandover@gmail.com

[Documentation of the event will be made for Talkover/Handover 2.0 on its research, archive and exhibition]

圖片來源Photo Credit:陳君佳 (Guy Chan),http://www.atvcodes.com/thatcher.php