
Workshop #4

Zoie Yung & Lo Lai Lai

討論會/工作坊#4 Zoie Yung 與 勞麗麗


‘Don’t worry, be hoppy’ Beer-tasting & Discussion

[活動以廣東話進行 Discussion will be conducted in Cantonese]


Zoie Yung與勞麗麗 相信酒精能在藝術勞動帶來更多創意、生產力,藝術創作不只停留於埋頭獨自創作,更能透過開幕酒會、社交活動促進創作。在〈酒花〉試酒及討論會,她們會和大家一起開封品嘗自家釀製的手造啤酒!趁還未飲醉之前,談談酒精與藝術勞動,如何透過展覽開幕酒會的品酒議論,變成為作品或展覽的延伸?再想像一下藝術家為展覽親身釀酒,如何轉化成 「藝術生產」的一部分?釀酒會好賺過做藝術嗎?


日期/時間:5月28日(週日)3-6 pm

主持:Zoie Yung、勞麗麗



查詢:6334 5105 鄭小姐 (Carey) / talkoverhandover@gmail.com

[此活動會進行錄影,用作〈廿年回歸前後話 Talkover/Handover 2.0〉研究、存檔及展覽之用]

Zoie Yung and Lo Lai Lai believe that alcohol can help boost creativity and productivity in art. Art should not be made in solitude; exhibition openings and social activities in the art circle are sources of creative inspirations.

Come and taste the newly brewed beer by local artists! Let’s look into the relationship between alcohols and art labour while everyone is still sober. After all, how on earth can alcohol consumption during art opening receptions develop into a meaningful extension of artworks and exhibitions? Can artist-made craft beer ultimately becomes part of the ‘artistic labour’? Can beer-brewery contribute to artists’ income and art-making?

All are welcome, no registration required!

Date/Time: 28/5 (Sun) 3-6pm

Hosted by: Zoie Yung & Lo Lai Lai

Featuring: South Ho

Venue: Floating Projects 據點。句點 (Room 8D, 8/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, No.40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang)

Enquiries:6334 5105 (Carey) / talkoverhandover@gmail.com

[Documentation of the event will be made for Talkover/Handover 2.0 on its research, archive and exhibition]