

2017,香港主權移交霎眼二十年。我城的文化風景改變了多少?「Talkover/Handover 2.0 廿年回歸前後話」承繼2007年「Talkover/Handover 十年回歸前後話」以對話為本的方式,希望透過藝文界的交流及創作,檢視及回應香港自1997年來在社會、文化等不同方面的變化。早前的議題徵集(可見公開徵集議題)已經告一段落,大家最關注的五大題目亦已出爐。現誠邀大家就各個議題提出創作方案,並參與2017年6至7月間在1a空間的展覽。


  • 活動流程:提案 ⇢ 公開討論 ⇢ 創作 ⇢ 展覽 ⇢ 回顧 及 參與後續研究(視乎情況)

請在議題中五選一,提出一個包括公開討論/商討元素的創作方案,作品將在「Talkover/Handover 2.0 廿年回歸前後話」展覽中呈現

  • 我們將於4-5月間協辦有關的公開討論活動,以配合你的創作方案
  • 展覽將會呈現 5 個創作方案,每個獲選方案將獲得展覽製作資助 HKD 20,000-
  • 展覽日期/地點:29/6-30/7/2017,1a空間
  • 提交方案截止日期:28/3/2017


  • 民營藝術空間如何完全脫離側重數字與功能的資助輪迴,尋求「可持續發展」?
  • 我們準備好面對政治審查嗎?常說的創作及言論自由是甚麼?
  • 藝術勞動與生存狀態是怎樣的?
  • 藝術在政治敏感時代的功用與生存方法
  • 「本土」在藝術創作、藝術史指涉甚麼?


  • 以個人或小組(不多於5人)名義參加 ,個人或小組均當作一個單位論;
  • 每個單位最多可選一個議題,並提交不超過一份創作方案


  • 你對議題有一定的理解?
  • 你的意念與選取議題是有關?
  • 你的建議計劃是否可行?
  • 你的創作方案有何獨特?



Following its first edition in 2007, ‘Talkover/Handover 2.0’ will continue to generate critical dialogues and creative works so as to review the changes in Hong Kong’s social and cultural landscape since 1997. In an attempt to find out the issues that concern local arts and cultural practitioners most, we created an online polling system which has since generated the top five issues with the most votes. Now we are calling for participants and proposals for the forthcoming exhibition which will take place in June/July, showcasing the initial outcome of the dialogues in the research process and the creative output of participants.

Call for Project Proposals!

  • Workflow: Proposal ⇢ Public Discussion ⇢ Conceptual Development ⇢ Exhibition ⇢ Evaluation & participation in further research (optional)
  • Please choose one out of the top 5 topics, and propose a project for the Exhibition; public discussion should be an integral part of your project.
  • We will facilitate public discussion sessions in April/May as part of your project
  • Five project proposals will be selected and together they will form the final exhibition. A subsidy of HKD20,000- will be offered to each selected proposal for producing exhibits.
  • Exhibition will take place in 1a Space, 29/6-30/7/2017
  • Deadline of proposal submission: 28/3/2017

Top FIVE topics to be worked on:

  • Sustainable development of independent artists-run space
  • Censorship and freedom of expression
  • Labour of art and survival of artists
  • The role of art in the politically sensitive era
  • What does 'the local' mean in the arts and culture in Hong Kong?

You can...

  • Submit ONE proposal for ONE topic, either as an individual or as a group of up to 5 members


  • How well do you understand to selected topic?
  • How relevant are your ideas to the selected topic?
  • How feasible is your proposed project?
  • How original is your idea?

How to Submit your proposal?

NB: If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.