Historical and Theological Documents

List of Christian Historical and Theological Documents available on "The Light of Mt. Tabor" website:

The Synodikon of Orthodoxy

The Creed of St. Gregory Thaumaturgus (AD 213 - AD 270)

The Creed of the First Council of Nicea (AD 325)

The Creed of the First Council of Constantinople (AD 381)

St. Cyril of Alexandria:  The Twelve Anathemas Against Nestorius (AD 430)

The Formula of Reunion (AD 433)

The Horos of Council of Chalcedon (AD 451)

Canon VII of the Second Council of Constantinople (AD 553)

The Letter of St. Maximos to Marinus (AD 646)

Christological Decree of the Council of Rome (AD 680)

The Horos of the Third Council of Constantinople (AD 681)

The Horos of the Second Council of Nicea (AD 787)

Dictatus Papae (circa AD 1090)

Tomus of Blachernae:  The Eleven Canons of the Council of Blachernae (AD 1285)

Exposition of the Tomus of Faith Against Beccus

The Hagioretic Tome (AD 1341)

Palamite Council:  The Synod of Constantinople (AD 1341)

Confession of the Orthodox Faith (AD 1344) [by St. Gregory Palamas]

Palamite Council:  The Synod of Constantinople (AD 1351)

The Official Relatio of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser delivered at the First Vatican Council (AD 1870)

CDF Communionis Notio (AD 1992)

The Zoghby Initiative (AD 1995)

CDF Profession of Faith on Questions of Morality (AD 1998)

The Ravenna Document (AD 2007)

The Crete Document (AD 2008)

The Position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the Problem of Primacy in the Universal Church (AD 2013)

The Chieti Document (AD 2016)

Byzantine Liturgical Text:  Sunday of the Fathers of the Six Ecumenical Councils (excerpted form)

Patristic Quotations on the Doctrine of Theosis

The Professio Fidei with the Three Concluding Propositions