Comparative Religion Papers

List of Jewish Studies papers available on "The Light of Mt. Tabor" website:

Zikkaron:  Liturgical Remembrance and Sacred History (added:  23 June 2021)

The Jewish Pilgrimage Festivals (added:  26 December 2023)

God and the People of Israel and the Concepts of Personal Extension and Corporate Personality (added:  23 June 2021)

Freedom of the Will in Judaism (added:  23 June 2021)

Jewish / Christian Disputations (added:  23 June 2021)

Cain and Abel:  The Pain of Rejection and the Power of Choice (added:  23 June 2021)

Yehiel and Nahmanides and the Jewish-Christian Disputations of the Thirteenth Century (added:  26 July 2021)

Judaism in Spain from the 13th to the 16th Centuries (added:  26 July 2021)

Judaism as an Ideological System (added:  31 March 2024)

Jewish Ritual:  The Embodiment of the Jewish Ideological System (added:  26 July 2021)

How has Political and Institutional History Influenced the Development of the Jewish Religion? (added:  26 July 2021)

The Peculiar Condition (added:  26 July 2021)

"Europa Europa" and the History of the Holocaust (added:  18 June 2022)

List of Islamic Studies papers available on "The Light of Mt. Tabor" website:

The Nature of the Qur'an in Early Islamic Theology

Determinism in Islamic Theology

The Abbasids and the Mu'tazilites (added:  23 June 2021)

The Role of Tradition in Islam (added:  23 June 2021)

Early Islamic Sects (added:  23 June 2021)

A Brief History of Islamic Dynasties (added:  26 July 2021)

List of Buddhist Studies papers available on "The Light of Mt. Tabor" website: 

A Comparative Analysis of Buddhist and Catholic Religious Experience (added:  26 July 2021)

The Mystical Visions of Master Han Shan (added:  26 July 2021)