Shuffle Question Order

Shuffling Questions

Sometimes, you might assign your students multiple quiz files. Maybe you're giving tiered assessments every day, or you simply want to provide your students with a practice assessment that they can complete on their own time. To prevent students from memorizing the question order (instead of the question content), you may want to shuffle the order of the questions on each quiz file.

Premium users can create shuffled quiz files with the click of a button.

Creating a Shuffled Quiz File

  1. Create a shuffled quiz file by going through the same process as a normal quiz file (click Add-ons => TableQuiz => Create Quiz).
  2. Fill out the dialog information as you normally would. Underneath Shuffle Question Order select Shuffle question order (Premium Only).

Click Create Quiz File. Note: If you do not have an active subscription to TableQuiz Premium, you will be prompted to purchase one.

How it Works

Shuffled quiz files work just like a regular quiz file, except they have additional code to redirect each answer blank to the correct answer blank in the key. They are fully compatible with any other features supported by TableQuiz. You can even make a subset quiz file that is also shuffled.