Creating a TableQuiz

Creating a New TableQuiz

Step 1 - Activate TableQuiz

Create a new spreadsheet in Google Drive.

Click Add-ons => TableQuiz => I'm the Teacher

This will add an option to create a new TableQuiz.

Click Add-ons => TableQuiz => New TableQuiz

This will create and format all of the necessary sheets for TableQuiz to function.

Before You Get Started:

  • NEVER CHANGE THE FONT FOR ANY CELLS ON THE SPREADSHEET. Do not bold/unbold any font or change font size. TableQuiz navigates your quiz by examining the font size of each cell. Changing font sizes may prevent TableQuiz from grading each quiz correctly. To learn how you can customize the format of your Tablequiz, see Drawing Your Own Tables.

  • DO NOT SWITCH BETWEEN GOOGLE ACCOUNTS WHILE MAKING AND USING TABLEQUIZZES. TableQuiz links each quiz key to your google account to protect it from students. This prevents students from modifying the key or their individual scores, but you'll need to use the same account whenever you want to make changes to the key file.

Step 2 - Name your assessment

Enter the name of your class or subject in the upper left-hand corner. In the cell below, enter the title for your assessment. You can also rename the file to help organize your drive, but it's recommended that you include the word KEY in your file to avoid confusion in later steps.

In the example to the right, we'll be making a quiz over the first 10 presidents and their political parties.

Step 3 - Draw your tables

Click Add-ons => TableQuiz => Draw tables.

A sidebar will appear that allows you to add multiple tables to your assessment. Think of each table as a section of your assessment. Rename the first table as you see fit.

Enter the number of columns and rows that you would like students to complete in your table. Generally, the number of rows corresponds to the number of questions that you would like to ask. The number of columns corresponds to how many answers students must provide for each question. In our president's example to the right, we'll have:

  • 2 Columns: one for the president's name and another for his political party
  • 10 Rows: 1 for each of the first 10 presidents

Once you enter in the number of rows and columns that you desire, TableQuiz will immediately begin to draw your table. If you want to change the table, simply adjust the numbers and the table will automatically redraw itself.

If you press next, you can cycle to another table and create it just like the first. You can create an assessment with up to 10 separate tables in TableQuiz. By clicking previous, you'll cycle to a previous table. If you click DELETE, then the current table will be deleted, and your assessment will be redrawn accordingly. Since our example only has one section, we won't be adding any additional tables.

Once you're happy with your table layout, you can close the sidebar by clicking Close or the X in the upper right-hand corner. If you need to make changes, you can reopen the sidebar from the Add-ons menu at any time. Once finished, your assessment should look something like this:

Step 4 - Fill In Your Headings

Now that your quiz layout is formatted correctly, you need to type in information for each subheading and question. If you are unsure about what to put in each box, a tool-tip will appear if you mouse over the upper right-hand corner of each box.

In our example to the right, we'll fill in our headings as Order, Name, and Party. For the questions, we'll just label them as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

Step 5 - Fill In Your Answers

Enter in the correct answer(s) to each question in the appropriate boxes. If your question has multiple answers, enter all possibilities separated by commas. For example, for the 9th president in our quiz, we'll type "William Henry Harrison, William Harrison," to indicate that both answers are correct.

If you would like an answer to be filled in for students, type "ungraded, " before the text that you would like to appear in the cell. In our example to the right, George Washington is provided for students. His name will not be a part of the final score.

Answers will only be case sensitive if you use capitalization in your answer. For example, by default, this key won't accept Federalist, but for it will accept both no party and No Party.

If some boxes are too small, you can resize any columns as you would in a normal spreadsheet.

If at any time you need to adjust the layout of the tables in your assessment, you can do that by clicking Draw Tables in the TableQuiz menu. Whenever possible, TableQuiz will save any information that you have already entered before it redraws your assessment.

Step 6 - Create Your Key

Once you have filled in all of the information for your quiz, click Add-ons => TableQuiz => Create Key. This will re-format the entire file so that it can be used as a key for your quiz. Make sure that everything is entered correctly before creating your key. If any mistakes were made, you can unload your key and edit it by following the instructions here.

Once the key is created, it will be removed from view, and you'll now see the warning screen below for students who accidentally open your key.

Step 7 - Create Your Quiz

With the key created, you can now create your quiz file. This is the file that you will distribute to your students on Google Classroom.

Click Add-ons => TableQuiz => Create Quiz. A dialog will appear that asks you some configuration questions for your quiz file:

  • Name: The name for your quiz file. This should be different from the name you already have for your key.
  • Total Score: The score needed to get a 100% on the assignment. For example, if your assignment has 10 blanks, you can set the total score to 8 if you would like students to be able to get 100% even if they miss 2 blanks.
  • Shuffle Question Order: More info on this premium feature can be found here.
  • Assess Subset: More info on this premium feature can be found here.

For our president's quiz, we'll only fill in the file name. We want our students to know all of these president's, so we'll use the default value of 19 (Remember that Washington's blank is ungraded).

The new quiz file will be created in the same folder as the key file. That's it! Your TableQuiz is now created. If you open the new file, it will look something like this:

If you want to delete a quiz file at any time, simply delete the file in your google drive and the file will be removed from the TableQuiz Key as well.