The stone sky

The final book in the Broken Earth trilogy. After the insane world building in the first two books, this book is much more fast-paced.

Essun and her daughter, Nassun can both work with the elements of earth. But now they are separated and Essun is trying to find her daughter but also turning to stone with time. In this book, Essun traverses a desert in the middle of a season with her Castrima group. Meanwhile, Nassun is on the other side of the Earth with her mentor Schaffa, who is almost dead. We get the perspective of Hoa, a stoneEater and how the Earth came to be known as Evil-Earth.

The two women meet and bring about the end of evil earth, bring back the moon and Essun petrifies into a stone. This book is also a beautiful fiction about the greed of humanity overcoming the kindness of the Earth. The Evil of Earth taking more than what the Earth has to provide and bringign about the end of world as we know it. In the times of a global pandemic, this book strikes closer to heart than it should. It goes to show what kind of a future we could be looking at, if we don't keep our greed at check.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★