
A grim dark fantasy about a super strong assassin Mia who is undertaking the mission to kill the people who ruined her family. The second book is Mia going on a ridiculous ride where she takes part in a cut-throat survivor competition.

Mia is an assassin who knows how to work the dark. She is on a revenge trip to kill her parents' assassins who just happens to be the most powerful members of her world. She is already trained by the assassin church, the Red Church. At the end of book one, Mia is named as a Blade for the Red Church, which essentially means she gets to kill people for money.

At the beginning of this book, Mia is sent on missions where she finds Ash (traitor from first part) with a map tattooed on her back pointing to some temple. When she finds out also from Ash that the Red Church basically was involved in her Dad's murder, she loses her shit.

She makes up a plan with her ex-teacher Mercurio to kill Scaeva aka parent killer face-to-face. There is a traditional fight that takes place once-a-year (maybe) when the high Consuls (Scaeva and co.) award the winner (who was a slave) his ultimate freedom. Mia, plans to infiltrate one of the Collegium who trains soldiers for this event and be the winner to face Scaeva without any protection and stab him with the other remaining killer (whose name I forget).

She enters the Remus Collegium (the one killer she had already taken care of) and again is trained as a Gladiatti for the Falcons under the watchful eye of another darkin, Furian. In contrast to Mia, Furian is a fanatic of the Everseeing (their God) and hates using the dark and actively disrupts Mia in her fights. Mia, however, at the end of all trials and tribulations, makes it as the Champion for Remus and emerges as the sole survivor of the endgame. She admittedly kills both Duomo and Scaeva but it turns out Scaeva was using a doppelganger (-_-) . But the fake Scaeva ends up throwing Mia's long lost brother Jonnen in her face. She rushes to meet up with Ash and Mercurio but as it happens, Ash is chased down by Red Church and Mercurio is kidnapped by them. Ash is luckily saved by the boy who came back from death - Don Tric.

Notable characters:

  • Mia: Protagonist

  • Ashlinn: Traitor who killed Tric, now Mia's lover.

  • Mister Kindly: Not-cat, familiar, A conscious shadow

  • Tric: Former dead dude who came back and saved Ashlinn's and Mia's ass

  • Mercurio: Mia's teacher prior to Red Church and now Bishop for Red CHurch, ends up getting kidnapped by them.

  • Solis, Aalea, Mouser, Spiderkiller: Red Church professors with murder specialisation

  • Duomo, Scaeva, Remus: Government heads, also arch enemy of Mia out of whom Mia has killed 2 at this point.

  • Furian: Another Darkin but believes in Light. Dies at the end!

  • Sidonius, BladeSinger, etc: Fellow Gladiatti from Remus Collegium.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Why you would like this book?

  • Fast paced

  • Mia uses her other talents to help herself and others. This puts her in a place where you can root for her.

  • The villain is two steps ahead of the protagonist.

  • No one that is an antagonist has a soft side. They remain hard-core villains.

Why you wouldn't like this book?

  • Everyone recovered so quick in this book and not just from injuries, from deaths, from heartbreak.

  • No more reasons.