
Stags is about a cult call type school so there are these bunch of students who are very well DMB have a group and there are other students who are bullied by this group this group has an annual party which other people are invited and a protagonist is also invited along with other people who have been bullied along with her. So when the rate this party it’s at BIG Manor type house of the leader of the group. There is supposed to be a kind of competition of a hunting shooting and fishing after which new members are inducted into the group but during this hunting shooting and fishing the participants find out that actually they are the ones that are being hunted shot at and fished. After they figure it out that they are the victims, the protagonist remains as the last victim so all three of them hatch a plan to catch the leader red-handed. As she goes on a boat ride with the leader, she’s thrown into the water and she swims towards her friends. As she tries to escape the group they pursue her and at the top of the waterfall the record the confession of the leader. To protect his dignity, they do not release the confession. But they do share it with the headmaster who immediately removed all the teachers who are part of the cult. And he also hired teachers who were not a part of the school history but at the end they find out that the headmaster is the main leader of the cult. The story had a very creepy atmosphere which I really like. But it did not make sense why these people were actually participating even though they knew that they were being targeted.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Why you would like this book?

  • Fast paced

  • It is a school-setting

Why you wouldn't like this book?

  • No adults