Upcoming Events

February 4th, 2025

Candy-Lea Chickite (who presented before on her First Nations heritage and a murder - the Seabird a Tale of intrigue on the Pacific Coast) will present an interesting discovery which uses AI in the research.  There will be a Q & A afterwards.

March 4th, 2025

John is going to lead the group in Breaking down Brick Walls.  So please send those problems that have stumped and frustrated you along to Sandi, John or me for inclusion in the program.  Breaking Brick Walls is always a fascinating exercise, drawing on the expertise of John and other club members and we often find that long lost relative so send in your questions.

April 1st, 2025

Teresa Eckford from Sechelt Public Library will give us all a lesson on citing sources to ensure that our information is recorded correctly for other genealogists. Teresa writes regularly in magazines on genealogy and has an excellent blog-  https://writingmypast.wordpress.com/2019/05/06/putting-the-history-in-family-history/