
The following is a list of sources for researching your English ancestors

General Information

https://www.freebmd.org.uk/search.  - Free index to birth, marriage and death records for England & Wales 1837-1983 -excellent

https://www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates/login.asp - GRO index to births and deaths, showing mother’s maiden name and age at death from 1837. 

Medieval Britain

https://archive.org/stream/battleabbeyrollw01battuoft/battleabbeyrollw01battuoft_djvu.txt  - Battle of Hastings Abbey Roll 

http://midgleywebpages.com/battleroll.html - Battle of Hastings Battle Roll

http://www.1066.co.nz/Mosaic%20DVD/library/Battle%20Roll/battle_abbey_roll1/battle_abbey_roll1.html - Battle of Hastings Battle Roll

https://opendomesday.org/ Domesday Book - free online

https://leicestershireyac.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/understanding-the-domesday-book.pdf - Interpreting the Domesday Book 

https://regia.org/research/misc/costs.htm - The cost of living in Saxon times 

The Conqueror and his companions (William the Conqueror) 

http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/metabook?id=dnb - The Dictionary of National Biography (or DNB) is a biographical reference for deceased persons notable in British history - this gives links to various earlier editions that are free

https://www.oxforddnb.com/ - The current edition of The Dictionary of National Biography (not free)

https://archive.org/details/ecclesiasticalhi04ordeuoft/page/n8  -The Eclesiastical history of England  from Earliest times- searchable

Medieval English Genealogy is ia good source of information on the period

British Criminal and Court Information

http://vcp.e2bn.org  - prison database




Rich relatives  Your upper class British ancestors

http://www.burkespeerage.com/ - Burkes Peerage - the standard for upper class connections - pay site

https://archive.org/details/1876debrettspeerage00londuoft - Debrett’s Peerage - older than Burkes and just as useful - pay site

Debrett's Peerage online  - free source for the English aristocracy's lineages and connections.

The Parochial and Family History of the deanery of Trigg Minor, Cornwall. by: Maclean, John, Sir, 1811-1895 commonly called Trigg Minor  is an excellent if somewhat flawed source of the key families in Cornwall their lineages.  Written long after the fact there are, not surprisingly, some errors.

/archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A"Visitations%2C+Heraldic" – Visitation Rolls.

http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/research/members - Members of the British Parliament since the 1300s with biographies

https://www.britroyals.com/royaltree.asp - British royal family tree

The Peerage - A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain and the royal families of Europe.


http://www.genealogics.org/descendtext.php?personID=I00000811&tree=LEO&generationsEdward the Third’s descendants - a partial list since we are all related to him if we have British ancestors

Poor Relations - Asylums, work houses and poorhouses



Victorian England

Books online

The book by Thomas Archer - The Pauper the Thief and the Convict can be read online and is an excellent reference on the life of your poor Victorian Ancestor.

The Dictionary of Victorian London by author and historian Lee Jackson is a well researched document on all aspects of Victorian England from its people to its architecture, to crime, sex, the legal system and much more.

Living London; its work and its play, its humour and its pathos, its sights and its scenes; by Sims, George Robert was published in 1902 – 1903 it’s a resource worth knowing if you’d like a view of the place and times.  Each volume has nearly 60 chapters with copious illustrations.  Chapters on football, rugby, cricket or athletics.  Other chapters include London Awakes, Marrying London, Russia in East London, Sweated London, Trial at the Old Bailey, Artistic London, Christmas London.