Sunshine Coast Genealogy Club
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash
Calendar of Sunshine Coast Genealogy Club Events
Searchable by scrolling using left or right blue arrows or
Click on Week, Month or Agenda (for upcoming events)
We acknowledge with gratitude that we live and work on the unceded ancestral territories
of the Sechelt (shíshálh) and Squamish (Skwxwú7mesh) Nations.
We are experienced genealogists interested in learning and sharing our stories and strategies for exploring our family histories. Our goal is to help members gain the skills and knowledge to conduct genealogical research, no matter what area of the world their research takes them. We meet monthly over Zoom, where we have presentations by guest speakers, brick wall-busting sessions, and share tips for doing genealogical research.
Everyone is welcome, including members who are new to genealogy! We would love to help you get started. Experienced genealogists are also welcome - some of us have been researching our family trees for decades. Yearly membership is $25 per person, and this helps support the costs of Zoom, guest speakers, and affiliate membership in the BC Genealogical Society.
We also have an extensive library - books available to borrow click here for the catalogue
Contact us:
Follow us on Facebook at: Click Here
Why Zoom?
We discovered during COVID-19 that Zoom is an ideal medium for genealogy meetings. By sharing our screens we are able to share what we know, help our members break down their brick walls, and view presentations by guest speakers. Our Zoom meetings are run by our Program Director, who shares the agenda ahead of time and invites members to contribute. You can participate by asking questions or just by watching! We will help you learn how to use Zoom if you are unfamiliar with it. We also have in-person socials a couple for times a year just for fun.
Join us!
Yearly membership fee is $25 per person. To join Sunshine Coast Genealogical Club click here. To attend a Zoom meeting before joining the SCGC contact
The Sunshine Coast Genealogy Club is an affiliate of the British Columbia Genealogical Society. The The BCGS library, comprehensive resources, and classes are available for SCGS members. Check out the BCGS Calendar of Events for a list of upcoming workshops and classes that are free for affiliate members. Contact to obtain our affiliate membership number.
Do you need help with your research? Do you have a suggestion for a topic for future meetings? All questions and feedback are welcome - email