
Germany Records including Pomerania, Saxony, the former East Germany

General information on Germany 

GEnTeam - German Database for BMDs etc

Family Search - Has extensive lists of websites 

Archion $- German Church Records online. More  than 140,000 digitized church books, in English-friendly forums. One month costs about $22. 

Brigham Young University: The German Script Tutorial - Help for translating German handwriting and Script

FamilySearch Wiki: Germany Handwriting  - Help for translating German handwriting and Script

My Ancestors and Me: Helps for Translating That Old German Handwriting  - Help for translating German handwriting and Script

Omniglot: German  - Help for translating German handwriting and Script

Suetterlin Schrift: German handwriting (For fun, you can see how your name looks written in Suetterlin!) - Help for translating German handwriting and Script