Experimental accounting











1 イントロダクション


 文献: 澤田2016; 下村・瀋2016; Bloomfield et al. 2016; Camerer 2003, Chap 1; Holt 2007

2 ゲーム理論の基礎  


 文献: 田口2015序章; Camerer 2003, Chap 1; 岡田2014; 梶井・松井2000; ギボンズ1995; Rilling et al. 2002; 西條辰義・清水和巳編 2014; 田村 2011; Kandori 2018

3-5 会計研究におけるデータ分析 

keyword: 因果と相関, アーカイバル, 実験, Libby box

 文献:Bloomfield et al.2016; Gow et al. 2016; Camerer 2003; Libby 1981; Libby, Bloomfield and Nelson 2002; Koonce and Mercer 2005; Oler, Oler and Skousen 2010

6-7 会計研究におけるフィールド実験

keyword: フィールド実験, 因果関係, 反実仮想

 文献: Floyd and List 2016; Harrison and List 2004; List 2011; Card, DellaVigna, and Malmendier 2011;

 Gneezy and Rustichini 2000; Gneezy and List 2006

8-9 実験契約理論

keyword: 契約理論, インセンティブ設計, 報酬契約

 文献:Gächter and Königstein 2009; 伊藤2003; Milgrom and Roberts 1992; Christensen et al. 2016 

10-11 コーディネーションゲームと情報開示

keyword: コーディネーションゲーム, グローバルゲーム, 情報開示

 参照文献: Banerjee et al. 2016; Camerer 2003;  Morris and Shin 2002; 

12-13 集約情報の意味 

keyword: 集約情報, 市場メカニズム, 国際会計基準

 参照文献: Eliott et al. 2015; Leuz and Wysocki 2016; Hirshleifer and Teoh 2003

14-15 受講者による最終報告

Reading list(一部抜粋. 詳細版は講義内で提示する)

Banerjee, S., and M. Maier. 2016. Public Information Precision and Coordination Failure: An Experiment. Journal of Accounting Research 54(4):941-986.

Bloomfield, R., M. W. Nelson., and E. Soltes. 2016. Gathering Data for Archival, Field, Survey, and Experimental Accounting Research. Journal of Accounting Research 54(2): 341-395.

Camerer, C. F. 2003. Behavioral game theory, Princeton University Press.

Card, DellaVigna, and Malmendier. 2011. The Role of Theory in Field Experiments. Journal of Economic Perspectives 25(3): 39-62.

Christensen, H. B., V. V. Nikolaev, and R. Wittenberg-Moerman. 2016. Accounting Information in Financial Contracting: The Incomplete Contract Theory Perspective. Journal of Accounting Research 54(2): 397-435.

Elliott, W. B., J. L. Hobson, and B. J. White. 2015. Earnings Metrics, Information Processing, and Price Efficiency in Laboratory Markets. Journal of Accounting Research 53 (3): 555-592.

Floyd, E., and J. A. List. 2016. Using Field Experiments in Accounting and Finance. Journal of Accounting Research 54(2): 437-475.


Gächter, S. and M. Königstein. 2009. Design a Contract: A Simple Principal-Agent Problem as a Classroom Experiment. Journal of Economic Education 40(2): 173-187.

Gneezy, U. and J. A. List. 2006. Putting Behavioral Economics to Work: Testing for Gift Exchange in Labor Markets Using Field Experiments. Econometrica 74(5): 1365–1384.

Gneezy, U. and A. Rustichini. 2000. A fine is a price. The Journal of Legal Studies 29(1): 1-17. 

Gow, I. D., D. F. Larcker., and P. C. Reiss. 2016. Causal Inference in Accounting Research. Journal of Accounting Research 54(2): 477-523.

Harrison, G. W., and J. A. List. 2004. Field Experiments. Journal of Economic Literature 42: 1009–1055.

Hirshleifer, D., and S. H. Teoh. 2003. Limited Attention, Information Disclosure, and Financial Reporting. Journal of Accounting and Economics 36: 337–386.

Holt, C. A. 2007. Markets, games & strategic behavior, Pearson Education.

梶井厚志・松井彰彦2000.『ミクロ経済学 –戦略的アプローチ-- 』日本評論社

伊藤秀史2003. 『契約の経済理論』有斐閣.

Kandori, M. 2018. Replicability of experimental data and credibility of economic theory. The Japanese Economic Review 69(1): 4-25.

Koonce, L., and M. Mercer. 2005. Using psychology theories in archival financial accounting research. Journal of Accounting Literature 24: 175-214.

Leuz, C., and P. D. Wysocki. 2016. The Economics of Disclosure and Financial Reporting Regulation: Evidence and Suggestions for Future Research. Journal of Accounting Research 54(2): 525-622.

Libby, R. 1981. Accounting and Human Information Processing: Theory and Applications. EnglewoodCliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Libby, R., R. Bloomfield and M. W. Nelson. 2002. Experimental Research in Financial Accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27: 775-810.

List, J. A. 2011. Why Economists Should Conduct Field Experiments and 14 Tips for Pulling One Off. Journal of Economic Perspectives 25: 3–15.

Milgrom, P., and J. Roberts. 1992. Economics, Organization and Management. Prentice Hall.(ミルグロム・ロバーツ(奥野正寛・伊藤秀史・今井晴雄・西村理・八木甫訳)1997.『組織の経済学』NTT出版)

Morris, S., and H. S. Shin. 2002. Social Value of Public Information. American Economic Review 92: 1521–1534.

Oler, D. K., M. J. Oler, and C. J. Skousen. 2010. Characterizing Accounting Research. Accounting Horizons 24(4): 635-670.


Rilling, J. K., D.A. Gutman., T. R. Zeh, G. Pagnoni, G. S. Berns, and C. D. Kilts, 2002. A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation, Neuron 35:395-405.

西條辰義監修・西條辰義・清水和巳編. 2014.『実験が切り開く21世紀の社会科学』勁草書房 

澤田康幸2016.「経済学における実証分析の進化」『経済セミナー増刊 進化する経済学の実証分析』日本評論社、13-19.

スコット(太田・椎葉・西谷訳) 2008.『財務会計の理論と実証』中央経済社(Scott, W. R. Financial Accounting Theory)

下村研一・瀋俊毅2016.「経済学における実験的アプローチ」『経済セミナー増刊 進化する経済学の実証分析』日本評論社、20-27.

田口聡志2015.『実験制度会計論 未来の会計をデザインする』中央経済社.

田村威文2011.『ゲーム理論で考える企業会計 --会計操作・会計規制・会計制度--』中央経済社.