The 175th Seminar on The Formation of Stars & Planets
Date & Time: 2024/January/10 (Wed.) 17:00-18:00, Venue: Zoom TV Conference System. This is an informal seminar on the formation of stars and planets. We welcome anyone interested in the subject.
Title: A self-consistent model for dust settling and vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks
Speaker: Yuya Fukuhara (Tokyo Tech) / 福原 優弥 (東京工業大学)
Planets form in disks of gas and dust particles (protoplanetary disks) around a young star. The spatial distribution of dust particles affects dust evolution and planetesimal formation processes. The vertical shear instability (VSI) is one of the candidate hydrodynamic mechanisms that can generate turbulence in the outer disk region and affect dust vertical diffusion. Turbulence driven by the VSI has a predominant vertical motion that can prevent dust settling toward the midplane. On the other hand, the dust distribution controls the spatial distribution of the gas cooling rate, thereby affecting the strength of VSI-driven turbulence. Here, we present a semi-analytic model that determines the vertical dust distribution and the VSI-driven turbulence strength in a self-consistent manner. We search for an equilibrium vertical dust profile where settling balances with turbulent diffusion for a given grain size. We find that if the grains are sufficiently small, there exists a stable equilibrium dust distribution where VSI-driven turbulence is sustained at its typical value. However, as the grain size increases, the equilibrium solution vanishes because the VSI can no longer stop dust settling. This runaway settling may explain highly settled dust rings found in some protoplanetary disks.
Participants: 37, Affiliations: 14
Participants list:
Ibaraki P Munetake MOMOSE, P Toru Tsuribe, D2 Ryuta Orihara, M1 Kota Ichinose
JAMSTEC PD Sota Arakawa
Kagoshima D1 Yudai Kobayashi
Kobe 特命A Kenji Kurosaki
Kogakuin AP Takayuki Muto
Kyushu D3 Asako Sato, M2 Shingo Nozaki, M2 Ayumu Shoshi
Nagoya P Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, P Sei-ichiro Watanabe, AP Hiroshi Kobayashi, PD Daisei Abe, D2 Kanta Kitajima, D1 Miyayama Ryushi, M2 Izumi SENO, M2 Kita Fumina, M1 Wataru Takahashi, M1 Onogawa Kenshin
NAOJ A Kazunari Iwasaki, PD Yuji Matsumoto, PD Yoshiaki Misugi
Osaka A Shinsuke Takasao
RIKEN PD Ryosuke Tominaga
Shiga medical AP Kazutaka Motoyama
Tokyo Tech D2 Yuya Fukuhara, D2 Kanon Nakazawa, D1 Katsushi Kondo, M2 Ivan Manoraj, B4 Issei Kojima
Tokushima University AP Ray S. Furuya
UTokyo A Shota Notsu, D2 Kaho Morii, D2 Yoshihide Yamato, RS Gabriel Guimaraes
次回:2024/Feb./22 17:00-
連絡世話人:冨永遼佑(理化学研究所) ryosuke.tominaga[at]