The 171th Seminar on The Formation of Stars & Planets


Date & Time: 2023/July/6 (Thu) 17:00-18:00, Venue: Zoom TV Conference System. This is an informal seminar on the formation of stars and planets. We welcome anyone interested in the subject.

Title:  Size Dependence of the Bouncing Barrier in Protoplanetary Dust Growth

Speaker: 荒川 創太(JAMSTEC) 

Abstract: Understanding the collisional behavior of dust aggregates is essential in the context of planet formation. It is known that low-velocity collisions of dust aggregates result in bouncing rather than sticking when the filling factor of colliding dust aggregates is higher than a threshold value. However, a large discrepancy between numerical and experimental results on the threshold filling factor was reported so far. In this study, we perform numerical simulations using soft-sphere discrete element methods and demonstrate that the sticking probability decreases with increasing aggregates radius. Our results suggest that the large discrepancy in the threshold filling factor may reflect the difference in the size of dust aggregates in earlier numerical simulations and laboratory experiments.


Participants: 37,  Affiliations: 18

Participants list:

Ibaraki: P Munetake MOMOSE

NIT Fukushima A Yuki Tanaka

JAMSTEC: PD Sota Arakawa 

NAOJ: A Koh Takahashi, PD Yuji Matsumoto, PD Kazumasa Ohno, PD Yoshiaki Misugi , D2 Kiyoaki Doi, D1 Ryota Ichimura

UTokyo: P Yuri Aikawa, PD Shota Notsu, D2 Yoshihide Yamato

Tokyo Tech: AP Satoshi Okuzumi, D2 Yuya Fukuhara , M2 RyotaYamamuro , M1 Ikuto Nakamura, B4 Issei Kojima

RIKEN: PD Ryosuke Tominaga

Hosei: P Tomoaki Matsumoto 

Nagoya: P Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, P Sei-ichiro Watanabe,  AP Hiroshi Kobayashi, D1 Ryushi Miyayama, M2 Izumi SENO, M2 Kita Fumina, M1 Wataru Takahashi, M1 Kenshin Onogawa

Nagoya City U: AP Hitoshi Miura

Osaka: P Kentaro Terada, A Kohei Fukuda

Kyoto: A Yuri Fujii, B3 Kento Ishidate

Shiga medical: AP  Kazutaka Motoyama 

Kobe: 特命A Kenji Kurosaki

Kindai Retired/Emeritus Masayoshi KIGUCHI

Kyushu: M2 Yuki Akaike

Kagoshima uni.: D1 Miyu Kido

次回:2023/Sep./14 17:00-

連絡世話人:冨永遼佑(理化学研究所) ryosuke.tominaga[at]