Exhibit 7

The Car Show

The design

Revisions: I went 8% in on each side for the event info. 8% is also the span of the Fahrvergnugen text. I changed the font color to a lighter one and put more of a 'smile' on the Utah Valley VW Presents. I also moved the Fahrvergnugen down so it was more centered.

Background: I love to drive a Volkswagen and have since I was a senior in high school. I have personally owned a Golf, Jetta, Beetle and now I drive a GTI. I thought it would be cool to have a VW event and send postcard invites. I also wanted something fun people would want to put on their fridge.

Contrast: The image itself has great contrast so I did some quick edits in camera raw to bring those out.

Alignment: When I see older VW's on the road, it makes me happy and smile, so I kept the titles centered. I didn't want to strong look.

Proxmity: The information about the event is all together, making it easier to find.

Repitition: I matched the color for the main VW in the image to the heading at the top.

Color Scheme: I kept to the colors found in the image.

Font Choice: The image begs for a fun, slightly cartoonish text. I used the all caps version for the presenting group but kept everything else in the normal font grouping.

Photoshop: This postcard was so fun to design! I started in photoshop with 2 rectange shapes, following the rule of thirds. For the image, I did some slight edits in camera raw to bring out the colors and pasted it in the larger of the 2 rectangles. I moved the image to center the main VW.

I also included the VW logo, creating a circle and pasting the logo in it.

For the smaller rectangle, I first color matched the main VW and used that as the background. I wanted the text to smile, so the presenting does have a slight warp to it. The main title has a glow and drop shadow to the text.

Credits: Font: Astonder Squared, Adobe. Image: Jared Sanders, Unsplash. Logo image and description: Volkswagen.