Indonesia Gayo
(Prediges Cup Range)

Country: Indonesia

Region: Gayo (Beni)

Elevation: 1400-1650M

Variety: S795

Process: Honey

Tasting info.: Apple/ Jackfruit/ Honey/ Floral/ Black Tea

Story of Coffee:

Gayo is a region on the hillsides surrounding the town of Takengon and Lake Laut Tawar, at the northern tip of Sumatra, in the region of Aceh. The altitude in the production area averages between 1,110 and 1,650 meters. The coffee is grown by smallholders under shade trees.

Coffee from this region is generally processed at farm-level, using traditional washed methods, but we sourced this coffee beans is process came from Honey Process, the natural sugars from the mucilage are absorbed by the coffee bean which results in unique flavors that one doesn’t taste in coffee that is processed in the traditional way.

Beni farm is first time participated Prestige cup in 2019 and result rank #38.

Gayo位於蘇門答臘北端亞齊地區的Takengon鎮和Laut Tawar湖周圍山坡上的一個地區。 生產區域的平均海拔在1,1101,650米之間。 咖啡是由小農在樹蔭下種植的。來自該地區的咖啡通常是傳統的水洗處理,但是我們採購的咖啡豆是經過蜜處理法,咖啡的天然糖和黏液在處理過程被咖啡豆吸收而產生獨特風味,而這種風味在傳統方式加工的咖啡中是無法品嚐到的。Beni Farm2019年首次參Prediges cup,並排名第38