Panama 90+ Lycello

Country: Panama

Farm: Ninety Plus Gesha Estate

Elevation: 1400-1800M

Variety: Gesha

Process: W2

Roasting Level: Light

Tasting info.: Basil / Citrus / Jasmine Green Tea / Mouthfeel Like Lychee Acid And Sweetness

Story of Coffee:

Bruce Lee, 2012 barista champion of Taiwan, visited Ninety Plus Gesha Estates and tasted Gesha cherries which reminded him of the Lychee fruit that grows in his backyard. Bruce’s connection to Lychee inspired a portion of its name. The “cello” in the name, after the string instrument, was the second part of our inspiration. While considering the name of this coffee, we happened to be listening to the talented cellist YoYo Ma, and his precise and focused technique inspired us to the name Lycello (lay-chell’-o). Lycello showcases the softest lemon, thyme, basil and gesha flavor.

世界咖啡師大賽冠軍 Bruce Lee 在2012年初嘗此咖啡果實,立時想起家鄉台灣出產的荔枝。當 90+ 團隊為咖啡命名時,深深折服於大提琴家馬友友的精準技藝,於是結合「荔枝」與「大提琴」,拼出荔西羅此詩意名字。別開生面的洗水過程,帶出馥郁芳香的複雜深度,無可比擬的荔枝口味,怡人的酸甜果香,尤其令人印象深刻。