Portugal Associação Nó Górdio

We work as a NGO. Why this name? The Gordian Knot is a legend of Phrygian Gordium associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (disentangling an “impossible” knot) solved easily by “thinking outside the box” (“cutting the Gordian knot”). The Gordian Knot has become the channel for puzzle solvers and mathematicians to demonstrate their brain power and problem solving skill. The Association's main objectives are the promotion and dissemination of activities in the areas of education and learning, training, art and culture, recreation, health and sport, as well as environmental protection, social inclusion and human capital investment. To contribute to local and regional development by promoting the qualification of the population, adjusted as far as possible to the needs of the labor market, by increasing school and vocational success and reducing their abandonment, by promoting equality, social cohesion and development personnel and citizenship, and also developing, with an effective continuity, national activities. Actions aimed at supporting vulnerable groups, in particular children, young people and people with special needs, will also be favored. Preserving the environment is fundamental to maintaining the health of the planet and all living things that live in it. To celebrate the effort to protect natural resources, we celebrate World Environment and Ecology Day today. Humans can only survive thanks to nature. After all, we use animals and plants to feed us, water to drink and bathe, and many other features we do not even notice. The Association's main objectives include the environmental protection. The world is facing unique and frightening environmental challenges, among which we can highlight: climate change; the emerging crisis in the availability of water, and its pollution; the threat to biodiversity and long-term damage to ecosystems; pollution of the atmosphere; the production and disposal of waste; the impacts of chemicals and toxic substances used in waste disposal; the destruction of aquatic ecosystems; deforestation and degradation of the Earth. Only through training, education and involvement we can ensure that there is a greater awareness of the importance of environmental preservation. Think globally, act locally - it is one of the mottos of our association and it is a message to be spread by our associates as well as by the beneficiaries of our actions. We want to join this project because we believe that it may be a great opportunity to share practices related to the main subject of the project and to open horizons to our participants. It is also a very good way to improve the knowledge of languages. This project aims to encourage youth participation in inter-European dialogue through a common European language. One of the key challenges for the Erasmus+ initiative is the promotion of youth participation in civil society including political engagement All the staff is very experienced in european projects with lots of participation in several ones, since 2009. We worked already in projects related to environmental protection. We can do: - Promotion of initiatives conducive to the objectives of the project; - Sharing our practices associated with environmental preservation

Address: Rua S. João de Sobrado, 1655, Portugal