
Activities from Austria

The participants of the Austrian team live all over Tyrol, so we decided that the most central point to meet and work on stuff is Innsbruck. It's available with public transport. The communication mainly took place via WhatsApp and sometimes through E-Mail. The participants are Bernhard, Christina, Emily, Olivia and Raphaela. We organized the preparation for the youth exchange and the meetings, answered day to day questions and simply stayed in contact threw our chat.

First meeting

At the beginning of summer, we met each other for the first time. The organisation, more precisely Benjamin, invited us to the first meeting. We went through some general information and got to know each other. Our group leader answered questions about the camp and Cyprus and explained what she learned in the APV (advance planning visit). After that we prepared some ideas for the logo contest. We immediately had an idea which we later realized in the logo contest. Unfortunately, everybody was very busy during that time. That's why we just made one logo. But we were all happy with it. The voting was very hard for our team because there were many good projects, so we are glad for the winning logo.

Excursion – tourism & Innsbruck

In the middle of the summer, some of the participants met to stroll through the city of Innsbruck to explore some topics which are relevant in our immediate surrounding. We tried to find out what tourism does to the environment in our area and how organisations and institutions like the government try to support a clean and healthy environment. Furthermore, we visited some coffee shops to ask them if you're allowed to bring your own mugs to refill them. We found out that in every shop they were okay with it and the staff was supporting this idea and they thought it is a great way to support the environment. They even told us that the to-go cups are really expensive. So we wondered why more or less nobody uses this offer. All together it was interesting to walk through your own city, but to look on the dirty side more than on the pretty and shining one.

Making the posters

Our last gathering was just a few days before the flight to Cyprus. Everybody was excited and looking forward to the youth exchange. We tried to reflect our excursion and to find new perspectives to include in the preparation of the posters. We used experience, magazines and pictures we made on our stroll through Innsbruck. Once again not everybody was able to participate on this meeting, but we shared the posters in out WhatsApp group and got some feedback there. So everybody was able to participate on one or another way.

To sum up our report, we tried to get to know our environment and are well prepared and excited to share that with all the other countries.

Hope to see you all soon in Cyprus!


The Austrian Team

Bernhard, Christina, Emily, Olivia, Raphaela and Victoria