10 Eco Space


In August 2018, in Platres, Cyprus we founded the green company EcoSpace. The idea came to us after discussing about the amount of garbage that is thrown away and the percentage of that, which is actually recycled or upcycled. We realised that a large amount of items are thrown away and they end up in landfills, where they are burnt and as a result the soil and air are enormously littered. Thus, we were eager to find a way to solve this problem, so that our Earth could become clean again.

The main idea was to form a business, which would provide many rockets able to store a lot of garbage. We would use these rockets to fill them up with non-recyclable materials and launch them to space. Then, they would travel to acid-based planets or near the Sun, where the non-recyclable waste would be stored. In this way, the Earth would not have waste in its soil anymore, and if people adopt a lifestyle based on recycling-upcycling-using less non-recyclable materials, we will be able to reverse the ecological disaster our planet is enduring at the moment.

Our company mostly appeals to governments, so to promote it we would like to organise a conference in Switzerland inviting people in the governments of each country, as well as people from companies related to space. This means, that a representative from each country would be invited, while also people like Elon Musk from SpaceX or people in the Environmental Committee of the United Nations. By doing this, we would be able to raise awareness and furthermore, find the assets needed to support our company. On the other hand, we could also use funding from each country separately from each country to advertise our idea (TV, magazines) and inform the public of the importance of recycling.

During this year (August 2018-2019), we planned on completing the research required in the scientific and technological field so that we could create the blueprints for the rockets. Furthermore, we would like for the capital to have been found and the world to be aware of our plan. Despite, due to some difficulties we had, our goals were not met. We only managed to make our company present in social media, which means that we made a facebook and an instagram page for our company. Moreover, we tried contacting NASA and SpaceX, in case they were able to provide us with the scientific personnel and the funds needed to start this company. Unfortunately though, we were not able to establish any form of communication with them.

This year, we hope that we will be able to produce the blueprints of the rockets and find part of the capital needed for our company. Furthermore, we would really like to decide who is going to be in each position of management. Also, it seems imperative for us to organise conferences worldwide in order to inform the public. Last but not least, the environmental footprint of our company needs to be researched and a virtual recreation of the rocket launch has to be made.

Work done during the 1st Youth Exchange in Platres, Cyprus

Work done during the 2nd Youth Exchange in Athens, Greece
