01 4 Seasons


Our company "4 seasons" is an enviromental initiative, that wants to teach the broad public about the climate change and what all of us can do to change the outcome and the future of our world. We were four girls, with a mission to inform the society through events and social initiatives, but we mostly did good for the enviroment ourselves - we took the oublic transport more, rode in bikes more, cleaned beaches and tried to be more active in the society. We also did a logo and 2 posters to inform the public about our mission. We were also actively engaging the activities arranged by the teams. We hope to keep living a healthy lifestyle and continue informing the public, trying to make the world a better place.

Work done During the 1st YE in Platres, Cyprus

Creating-my-Green-Company-or-Green-Youth-Project-1 (2).doc

Work done During the 2nd YE in Athens, Greece

01 four Seasons.MOV