Networks & Systems Design

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Networks and Systems Design Concept area

Computing devices typically do not operate in isolation. Networks connect computing devices to share data and resources and are an increasingly integral part of computing. Networks and communication systems provide greater connectivity in the computing world by providing fast, secure communication, and facilitating innovation. Individuals interact with data using a variety of input and output devices that are part of a more complex computing system. The hardware and software that make up a computing system process data in digital form. A basic understanding of hardware and software is useful when troubleshooting a computing system that does not work as intended.

The Networks and Systems Design standards aim to prepare students to understand the basic functioning of the computing systems and networks that are used as fundamental tools in our personal and professional lives.

Sub Concept Areas:

Hardware & Software

A computing system is composed of hardware, software, and the individuals who use them. Hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computing device. Software refers to the program instructions that operate on such hardware.

Networks & The Internet

Networks are formed by connecting individual devices in a variety of ways. Data is stored on one or more devices in a network and transferred between devices using a set of protocols or rules. The internet is an example of a global network that transmits data between many devices around the world.