9 - 12
Sub-Concept Area: Modeling and Simulation
9-12.CT.1 - Create a simple digital model that makes predictions of outcomes.
Sub-Concept Area: Data Analysis and Visualization
9-12.CT.2 - Collect and evaluate data from multiple sources for use in a computational artifact.
9-12.CT.3 - Refine and visualize complex data sets to tell different stories with the same data set.
Sub-Concept Area: Abstraction and Decomposition
9-12.CT.4 - Implement a program using a combination of student-defined and third-party functions to organize computation.
9th - 12th - Python Turtle Relay (Computer Science Principles)
11th - Inventing for Good: Using STEAM to Solve Real World Problems (Computer Science/Math)
10th - Computational Thinking in Literary Analysis (English 10)
9-12.CT.5 - Modify a function or procedure in a program to perform its computation in a different way over the same inputs, while preserving the result of the overall program.
Sub-Concept Area: Algorithms and Programming
9-12.CT.6 - Demonstrate how at least two classic algorithms work, and analyze the trade-offs related to two or more algorithms for completing the same tasks.
10th 15:2 - Systems of Equations Graphing Calculator (Algebra 1)*
10th - Computational Thinking in Literary Analysis (English 10)
9-12-CT.7 - Design or remix a program that utilizes a data structure to maintain changes to related pieces of data.
9-12-CT.8 - Develop a program that effectively uses control structures in order to create a computer program for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue.
9th - 12th - Python Turtle Relay (Computer Science Principles)
10th - Computational Thinking in Literary Analysis (English 10)
9-12.CT.9 - Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases, based on anticipating common errors and user behavior.
9-12.CT.10 - Collaboratively design and develop a program or computational artifact for a specific audience and create documentation outlining implementation features to inform collaborators and users.