4 - 6
Sub-Concept Area: Digital Use
4-6.DL.1 - Type on a keyboard while demonstrating proper keyboarding technique.
4-6.DL.2 - Select appropriate digital tools to communicate and collaborate while learning with others.
4th - How Should We Act Toward One Another Online (Computer Lab)*
6th- How to Interact Positively with Others in an Online Environment (Digital Literacy)
4-6.DL.3 - Conduct and refine advanced multi-criteria digital searches to locate content relevant to varied learning goals.
4-6.DL.4 - Use a variety of digital tools and resources to create and revise digital artifacts.
4th - 5th Grade - Troubleshooting Technology Issues (Technology)
5th - Ancient Civilizations in Western Hemisphere (Social Studies)
4-6.DL.5 - Identify common features of digital technologies.
Sub-Concept Area: Digital Citizenship
4-6.DL.6 - Describe persistence of digital information and explain how actions in online spaces can have consequences.
4th - How Should We Act Toward One Another Online (Computer Lab)*
6th- How to Interact Positively with Others in an Online Environment (Digital Literacy)
6th - Introduction to Digital Citizenship (Computer Science)
4-6.DL.7 Identify and describe actions in online spaces that could potentially be unsafe or harmful.