online learning schedule

remote learning activities

Today is an A Day. Fill out your remote learning checklist by clicking here. If you complete the form for the classes you have today, you can turn it in on Thursday for extra class cash.


Watch this Google Slideshow to review animal adaptations and to practice deciding whether animals could survive in certain environments. Then,  do this online worksheet to practice matching animals to their adaptations.

Reading class

Read one book on your reading level for  Raz-Kids and answer the quiz questions. If you don't use Raz-Kids in class, do 20 minutes of Lexia instead. For instructions on how to login to each of our online reading programs, go to this page.

english class

life skills class

Telling time: choose the right level for you. Try to work your way through as many skills as you can.

Tell time to the hour.

Hour and half-hour.

Hour, half-hour, and 5-minute intervals.

5-minute and 1-minute intervals. 

Basic time word problems.

Find the end time.

Elapsed time word problems.

Shopping Practice

Go to, login, and enter the code XDB56 to complete the "Holiday Shopping: Finding Products in Your Budget" activity.

math class

B6 Math

Practice these skills on IXL:

Identifying independent and dependent events

Likelihood of an event

Probability basics

All Math Classes

Go to IXL and practice 2 of the math skills under "skills suggested by your teacher." This should be a gold star on the right hand side of the screen. You may need to click on "Math" before you see the gold star. Do ten problems for each of the two skills.  

extra fun: Cooking at home

Use one of these visual recipes from to try cooking with your family. Or, you can make one of your own recipes. You can even create your own visual recipe using their recipe creator tool.

extra fun: Virtual Field Trips

Go to our Fun and Enrichment Activities Page and choose one of our virtual field trips. Then, explore the different links and resources for that field trip. When you are finished, Go to and type a paragraph about what you learned on your virtual field trip. 

extra fun: AQUARIUM RESEARCH assignment: 

Go the Living Planet Aquarium website. Then, click on the "Animals" tab from the menu at the top of the page. Choose one of the exhibits to explore. Then, click on an animal and read the information there to learn about that animal. Type a paragraph to tell what you learned about that animal.