peer tutoring






TERm project - Term 4

Thank you for the many donations we received for our class store last term. We now have a fantastic class store that will be a great help to our students!

Term projects for this term are due by March 6. This term's project will be one of the following:

1) Interview a student in the class, learn about them, and then make a nice poster about them to give to them. This should be a high-quality poster – something you would like if someone were to give it to you. It could include pictures, facts about the student, or anything else you’d like to include.

2) Teach the students about something you enjoy doing, and then have them practice trying it. This helps our students expand their horizons, learn new things, and become more well-rounded and improve their life skills. To complete this assignment, you should do the following:

Prepare a 5-10 minute lesson/activity to teach the students in the Life Skills class about one of your hobbies. You will need to tell a little bit about your hobby, show an example, and teach the students a little bit about how to do it. For example, someone who enjoys dance may demonstrate a certain type of dance, and then have the students practice a few steps that you teach them. Someone who is interested in art might teach the students how to draw a certain item, and then have them practice. Most hobbies are acceptable, but please clear it with Mr. Figueira or Mrs. Gifford first. Please let us know if you have any questions!

3) Donate two (2) items from the following list (about $10 worth):

  • Food for microwave cooking: tortilla chips, shredded cheese, tortillas, microwave popcorn, hot pockets or pizza pockets, hot chocolate, etc.
  • Paper cups, plastic forks, knives, spoons, bowls, or napkins
  • Paper towels
  • Hand soap
  • Sanitizing wipes
  • Packages of AA batteries
  • Sheet protectors
  • Scotch tape, masking tap, packing tape
  • Velcro
  • A 3-hole punch
  • Notebooks or Sketchbooks
  • Art supplies (packages of markers, colored pencils, paints/paint brushes, clay, etc.)
  • Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Lego, or other fun items
  • Drinks such as Gatorade, soda, or juice (multipack or 6 large bottles)
  • Two (2) bags or fun-sized/snack-sized candies
  • Five (5) full-sized candy bars (Reese’s, Kit-Kat, Twix, Hershey’s, Snickers, M&M’s, licorice, Skittles, etc.)
  • Five (5) snack-size bags of chips, cookies, pretzels, etc.
  • Hats (adjustable)
  • T-shirts (various sizes - S to XXL)
  • Seasonal items or other items based on student interest - see teacher for approval

2) Interview a student in the class and make a poster about them. Make it nice, so it is something you would like if someone gave it to you. Then, give it to the student.

course disclosure

All assignments, permission slips, and course requirements can be found in the course disclosure below. Please remember to turn in your signed disclosure, which is worth 20 points.

Peer Tutoring Disclosure

Need to makeup absences?

You may make up a total of 3 excused absences per term. To makeup participation points after an excused absence, you may do one of the following. Each assignment completed makes up the participation points for one excused absence. Participation points for unexcused absences may not be made up.

  1. Come and spend Skytime with your peers in the Life Skills class. Talk to them, play games with them, or do other activities to get to know them better.
  2. Attend a Falcon Friends club activity and participate with your peers. We meet on B-Day Fridays during Skytime in the C Wing Lecture Hall.
  3. Write a paper about people with disabilities in our school. It should be 2 pages double-spaced. Give your ideas about whether people with disabilities are fully included and accepted in our school. Tell what might be done to improve the relationship between people with disabilities and their peers without disabilities in our school.
  4. Find an article on a person with a disability and write a summary of it (one page, double-spaced). Include our thoughts on the issues discussed in the story, and what new things you learned. What would you do if you could influence the situation? How did the person in the article react/respond?
  5. Find an article about someone with a disability who has succeeded at something. Write a one page, double-spaced paper about what you learned from this article, and how the person was able to overcome obstacles to succeed.
  6. Create a work of art representing an issue dealing with disabilities. It could reflect challenges, overcoming difficulties, crossing boundaries, making friends, understanding people with disabilities, coping with a disability, relatives of those with disabilities, or another related theme that you come up with yourself.
  7. Create materials (game, lesson, etc.) that can be used to teach social or academic skills to a student you work with.
  8. Spend time in a social setting with a peer with disabilities outside of school. Spend at least 2 hrs. Write a one page, double-spaced summary of your experience (what you did, your thoughts about it, etc.).
  9. Write a children’s book about one of the students in the classroom, or about a fictional character with disabilities. This assignment may make up two excused absences, depending on the quality of the book and the time invested.
  10. Visit a community agency for people with disabilities. Create a written or visual report on what they do. Write down the name of the agency, the contact person, and the contact information. Bring in any brochures or pamphlets they might have that explain their services.
  11. Do a report on the history of special education. Include information on the various laws that have been passed, and what changes they have brought about.
  12. Write a 1-page, double-spaced paper on the following issue:
  • What are the benefits/drawbacks of sending people with disabilities to regular schools versus special education schools? Is there ever a reason to have special schools?
  • How well does society accommodate for people with disabilities in order to include them in the community? What have you noticed in your experience? What accommodations should businesses/governments be required to make in order to make things fully accessible to citizens with disabilities?
