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our vision

Guided by our core values of Self-Determination, Opportunity, Achievement, and Respect, we aspire to develop a world class academic, social, vocational, and independent living skills program for the students of Skyridge High School. To do so, we have several Vision Projects we are attempting to fund. If you would like to contribute to any of these projects, or feel you can assist in any way, please consider donating to our classroom accounts at the Alpine Foundation website. If you choose to donate online, please indicate the purpose of your donation by clicking on the "purpose of donation" line on the donation form and indicating the name of the teacher's classroom you would like to donate to. For example, you can indicate "Jacob Figueira Classroom Account" or "Jessica Gifford Classroom Account."

Current Vision Projects

  • Field-trip funding. Currently, we are allowed one bus per month for field trips, which requires excluding some activities that could be greatly beneficial for the students. Additional funding would allow us to pay for additional buses throughout the year. We are also given only $10 per student per year for field trips and supplies. Donations help us to greatly expand the activities and opportunities we are able to provide for our students.

  • Classroom supplies and printing. Our supply budget for the year is limited. Additional abilities to purchase supplies and to print in color would enable us to provide more resources for student projects and learning activities.

  • Student-run business. We are currently pondering ways to set up a student-run business, to help students gain the skills necessary for community participation and employment. Additional funds would assist in this effort.

  • Underprivileged student funding and service projects. Some of our students do not have the ability to bring money for field trips, or to participate in other school activities.

  • Scholarships. Ultimately, we would like to be able to provide a small scholarship to students moving on to post-secondary education or job training. Establishing and endowment fund for these scholarships is one of our most important vision projects.

  • Sensory equipment. While we have access to some materials from the district itself, we would like to enhance our sensory room to provide an environment that helps better meet the needs of students with sensory processing difficulties.

volunteers & Day-to-day needs

We love parent volunteers, and we would love to have help with field trips and class activities. We will keep you up to date with current activities and volunteer opportunities.

We specifically would like to find parents interested in helping to coach some of our Unified Athletics teams, or to assist with our schoolwide inclusion efforts and unified club.

Additionally, we are grateful for the many inquiries we have had into our classroom needs. In addition to the vision projects listed above, we often need donations to our class store, as well as other materials. Below is a list of needed items, which we will update as needs change. Thank you for your willingness to support our students!

Current Classroom Needs

School/Class Supplies

Cleaning supplies: Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes or antibacterial soap.

Office and cleaning supplies, including:

Headphones (not the expensive kind)

Disposable cups, silverware, plate, and napkins

Items for Class Store (mostly per student request)

  • School supplies: Dry erase markers, notebooks, sketchbooks, etc.

  • Cleaning supplies: Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes or antibacterial soap.

  • Art supplies (packages of markers, colored pencils, paints/paint brushes, clay, crayons, coloring books, etc.)

  • Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Lego, or other fun items

  • Dollar-store jewelry (rings and bracelets)

  • Scrunchies for hair

  • Gluten-free/dairy-free snacks

  • Drinks such as Gatorade, soda (Sprite, Root Beer, Diet Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper Cream Soda, Diet Mt. Dew, etc.) or juice (a variety of kinds).

  • Candy or candy bars, such as Snickers, Almond Joy, Reese’s, Kit-Kat, Twix, Hershey’s, M&M’s (a variety of types), licorice, Nutty Buddy, Jolly Ranchers, Skittles, Rice Krispie Treats, etc.

  • Microwave popcorn, pretzels, Goldfish, chips (a variety of flavors), cookies, graham crackers, or other snacks

  • Fruit snacks

  • Five (5) snack-size bags of chips, cookies, pretzels, etc.

  • New Hats (adjustable) or T-shirts - we cannot accept used clothing articles.

  • Books

  • Fidget Spinners or similar items

  • Stickers

  • Sports balls or other sports-related items

  • Stuffed animals

  • Coupons for food

  • Seasonal items or other items based on student interest