welcome to mr. Figueira's ENGLISH class!

We will be using the following online resources for English this year (scroll down for links and login instructions). 

Canvas: Some English Assignments will be posted and submitted on Canvas in the 23/24-S1-Life Skills E-Figueira course. It is your A3, A4, or B8 English Canvas course (depending on which period you are enrolled in). Some instructional "how-to" videos related to IEP Goals are available through the IEP Goals Sandbox course on Canvas, and students can view them anytime they have access to a device. Students will need to accept an email invitation to join the course. 

Fan.school: Students will post some writing assignments to fan.school, formerly known as Kidblog. Once posted, they will be able to view and give feedback to other students on their work. They can also see comments that others make on their work, and use the feedback to revise and improve their writing. Instructions on how to login and post to fan.school are described below. 

IXL.com: Students will practice a variety of reading, writing, and grammar skills using IXL. Instructions for accessing IXL are listed below.

Other Applications: For some projects, we may use other applications as well. 

To access Canvas, use the following steps:

To sign into fan.school, use the following steps:

To login to IXL, go to IXL.com and click on the green "Sign In" box in the top corner.

Next, type in your username and password. Your teacher can give you this information.

Click on the "Learning" tab, and then on "Language Arts." 

Then click on "Recommendations," followed by the yellow star in the right corner to see "Skills Recommended by Your Teacher."