How it works

We're working with a commercial partner called Hiyacar, who provide an app-based service which is essentially 'airbnb for cars'. Strangers can sign-up to lend and borrow cars at a commercial rate, insurance is added to the cost of hourly car-rental automatically by the app .

However, Hiyacar have given us what's called a closed-loop, i.e. IFCAR. That means that only people living in Iffley Fields can see the Iffley Fields cars. This means we are car-sharing at cost rather than car-renting for profit, and means we can be more informal about the entire arrangement (i.e we just let our cars be used 'as is', rather than having to clean and valet them to the standards of a rental).

We are doing a trial in September - from the 6th-30th - so we can test the system in more detail. If you ever think you might need a spare car sign-up, there's no obligation or monthly fee.

Sign-up to the Hiyacar app

Download the app from your app store. Sign-up as a driver, or list your car as an owner (See owner page for FAQ). Once you've downloaded the app email them and they'll see you're part of the IF community and add you to the group.

Choose a car in your area

Look on the system at the cars available to book within your area. Details and descriptions of each car are available - including when it's generally available, and any driving quirks. Final cost includes insurance and varies by car and driver.

Borrow the car

Schedule the car for pick-up and drop-off, pay for it, and message the owner to collect keys. Do the brief borrowing process (in-app, requires you to take pictures to make sure no damage), then drive the car and bring it back. Easy!

General FAQs (see Driver / Owner FAQs for details)

How does insurance work?

Insurance is automatically arranged by Hiyacar. When someone borrows a car via the app, they pay insurance for the journey on top of the rate they pay to borrow the car.

This insurance sits on top of the existing private insurance and if a claim is made, it is the Hiyacar insurance which pays leaving the car's own insurance unaffected.

Why do a trial?

To prove that we can make it work! And to figure out if anything needs to be different. I'm particularly keen to get insurance costs down and I'm talking to the right people about it - but in order to do that credibly, I need to prove that the concept can work.

So even if you're only thinking about it and only want to borrow a car once as a test, it would be really helpful if you can join the trial (6th-30th September).

Why not just use co-wheels?

Car clubs rock. We love them. The thing is it takes them a long time to expand. And right now, there are hundreds of cars sitting around in Iffley Fields not being used.

We need to reduce car usage, switch to EVs, use car clubs, car pool, AND shareourcars. These solutions are complementary, not exclusive.

Won't the cars all be busy at the same time, i.e. at weekends / holidays?

We've not found this so far in the IFCAR loop. Some people work M-F and want to rent their cars at weekends. Often people who use their car infrequently and who work part-time or from home tend to do errands during the week and then use it either Saturday or Sunday - not both.

At the moment we're not set up perfectly for long-term (i.e. weekend / holiday) rental, but once we've tested out short-term hire a bit more we will try to come up with a better solution for that. And there's always companies like which allow you to rent an EV for a month, or even conventional car-hire as an alternative.