Some facts about cars and emissions

Sharing a car is a great way of doing your bit to help the environment, whether you're lending one or borrowing it.

  • Owning a car is the same emissions as 10 return flights to Rome per year.

  • Cars are 18% of UK emissions – car usage must reduce by up to 60% by 2030 to meet targets

  • 50% of a car’s emissions is in its manufacture – so if you get rid of your car and drive the same amount in a shared car you halve your per mile emissions

  • 80% of households in the UK own a car; only 15% worldwide

  • There were 29m cars in the UK in 2000, there are 39m today

  • 60% of 1-2 mile journeys in the UK are done by car

  • Nearly 2/3 of trips are single occupancy

  • Air pollution is linked to 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK

  • EVs are great, but only 20% less polluting than petrol cars, so replacing existing cars 1:1 with EVs won’t work