
I am a postdoctoral research associate in Prof. Zahid hasan's lab in the Physics department at Princeton University. Here, I work on scanning tunneling microscopy, transport, and scanning photocurrent microscopy to explore topological quantum matter. I obtained my PhD in Electrical Engineering & Materials Science also at Princeton University. During my PhD, I worked in Prof. Shayegan's lab. My research broadly focuses on topological, quantum many-body phases of matter. I primarily leverage magneto-transport measurement techniques in millikelvin temperatures and high magnetic fields to study such phases.  I aspire to learn a new experimental technique to  study these phases from a different point of view. 

Visit my Google scholar profile  for a complete list of publication. 

Before attending graduate school, I served one and a half year as a Lecturer at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), in Electrical and Electronic Engineering department.  I received my Bachelor in  2013 from the same University.


Md. Shafayat Hossain

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Physics

Princeton University

Mobile: 609 375 5101

Email:  mdsh@princeton.edu


Office: 315, Jadwin Hall

Current Lab:  B07,B09, Jadwin Hall

Past Lab:  B123, 128, Equad, Olden Street

Princeton, NJ 08544