Solo, Duo, or Trio?


Trio is undoubtedly the strongest ratio, having more options and, thanks to having more DHCs to dump meter on, potentially even more damage than a duo at the cost of squishier characters. But if you don't have three characters that you like playing, you're only dampening your fun in the long run by forcing yourself to play a trio, and that's not optimal.


Duos are a bit weird in that their maximum damage potential is less than that of a trio's, and despite being tankier, a duo character can still be 2-touched, or even 1-touched by a trio team under the right conditions. But that all requires the trio to burn a lot of resources, while a duo needing less resets and less meter to kill in more common situations (such as at round start when meter is scarce) can make a huge difference over the course of a match.

If you want what's considered a "good" duo, then here is your checklist:


Do you happen to like only one character in the game? Play solo. Solo Beowulf is a struggle, and Peacock certainly benefits greatly from having partners, yet these two have placed top 8 at the most stacked tournaments as solos. Neutral and defense can be scary, but your opponents will melt once you land a hit. At the end of the day, more options will outweigh having more health and damage, but sometimes said health and damage will scare your opponent into switching from a trio to a duo, or a duo to a solo to fight against you. This happens more often than you would think, even in high level play. It's really funny, and everyone in the room nods their head in understanding because nobody wants to root for the solo player, not even other solo players. I'm rooting for you, though. Don't let anyone stop you, but you.

Who are the good solos?

If you want a list of good solos because people keep blowing you off with, “All characters can work solo!” without answering your question:

Best solos

Serviceable solos

Questionable, but doable

Difficult to utilize their full potential

Who Knows?

But of course, the most important thing is to play the characters you enjoy. Only like one character and they’re weak as a solo? Follow your heart and stick with them. Especially if you don’t care about reaching the top level. Or especially if you want to be the pioneer and prove people wrong.

This is not a character tier list. Team value is not something that can be ignored. Some characters need help to reach their full potential. Good solos do not necessarily make good anchors (See: Fortune, Valentine, as they are very selfish teammates. Eliza, who at one point was not considered a good solo, but always thought of as a fair anchor as her assists are good). I am not the right person to throw out a character tier list, though I’ve given you the knowledge to build a strong, competitive team IF you care for that, and avoid a disaster.